Imaginative new Apps are being developed by IBM like Creek Watch. This is a simple application on an iphone that enables anyone to quickly and easily take a photograph and send a simple report on the water quality in their local stream, river or brook. It means that rather than having to send inspectors out the Environment Agency or water company can get site specific data on the quality of local water courses and identify pollution incidents much quicker.
The Environment Agency is taking this a step further by a new scheme its about to launch that will require water companies to text surfers whenever sewage is about to be pumped into the sea. The Environment Agency will also announce on Thursday that it is publishing profiles on all designated bathing spots. All this information and the power it brings to people to understand what is going on at their local bathing spot will undoubtedly increase pressure on the water companies to take further action to improve water quality.
It will ensure that we have a much better understanding of where the real pollution hotspots are ensuring investment is targeted where it will make a real difference, That is in everyone’s interest, water companies, water bill payers and bathing water users.
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