After the Tata Nano car comes the Tata Swach, a ground breaking water purifier that seeks to address the problem of waterborne disease at a cost that makes it available to “have-nots”.
Safe drinking water is a basic human need. The World Health Organisation estimates that a child dies of a waterborne disease every 15 seconds. The vision for the Tata Swatch is to make water purification available for all - not just the rich.
Developed by Tata Chemicals, the innovative domestic appliance not only takes advantage of nanotechnology but also offers a creative use for a common byproduct from rice production. The Tata Group have found a way to enhance the action of the rice husk ash by adding nano particles of silver, a well established biocide. The filter unit incorporates a clever patented fuse that shuts off the water supply before the Swach becomes exhausted.
The Swach is a commercial product but its development was also driven by Tata’s strong commitment to corporate responsibility says Sabeleel Nandy, Tata Chemicals head of water purification.
This is a brilliant example of chemical expertise being combined with innovative product design to satisfy a basic human need. Exactly the sort of innovation we need to see a lot more of in the water industry.
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