Last week saw the final meeting of the All Party Group for Sewers and Sewerage of this Parliament. It was chaired by Paddy Tipping MP who has done so much to promote the interests of the sewage industry. At the meeting Defra outlined progress with the Sustainable Urban Drainage (SUD) proposals incorporated in the Flood and Water Management Bill currently going through Parliament.
Currently the expectation from Defra is that the provisions for SUD will come into force in 2011. The regulations will establish a SUD approval body. These will be formed by each Local Authority or Unitary body. It is envisaged that in future when a developer applies for planning permission they will at the same time seek SUD approval. Statutory consultee’s on SUD will include the Environment Agency, Highways Agency, British Waterways and Internal Drainage Authorities. The enforcement procedure is likely to mirror the current planning regulations system.
Currently an amendment to the bill is being debated that would set in legislation timescales for SUD approval being granted. Some important aspects of the proposals are still not clear such as who will own the drain from each property to the SUD facility, it could be the householder, local authority or water company.
The plans raise serious concerns over whether local authorities will have the resources and capabilities to undertake their new responsibilities especially in the current climate of cutbacks in public expenditure. Without explicit funding the new plans will be to no avail.
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