Photo: Ofwat
The publication today of the Ofwat Service and Delivery Review for last year will have been keenly awaited by many. Wessex Water are top again closely followed by Anglian and Yorkshire. United Utilities continue to bring up the rear. With the exception of Severn Trent whose performance has improved significantly there has been remarkably little change from last year.
The publication today of the Ofwat Service and Delivery Review for last year will have been keenly awaited by many. Wessex Water are top again closely followed by Anglian and Yorkshire. United Utilities continue to bring up the rear. With the exception of Severn Trent whose performance has improved significantly there has been remarkably little change from last year.
While OPA scores may distort some priorities there can be no doubt that they have been very effective in driving up standards and creating competitive pressure. This has benefited many customers directly and is a good news story that the water companies need to shout about.